
UKenya library- Kayole

Basic Information

The UKenya library opened at Bethlehem Community Centre in July 2004. It was built by the British High Commission under their UKenya project of 2003-04, and was opened by her Royal Highness The Princess Royal, Princess Anne of the UK.
The library is about 10 times the size of the other libraries, is well ventilated, and flooded with natural light.
The bookstock was obtained through local donation from schools, institutions and individuals.
A later donation of some children's information books came from a larger donation of books from the UK, assisted by the British High Commission, DHL (UK and Kenya) and Toyota East Africa.

NEW!! A collection of medical books will be available soon - (donated by AMREF)

Membership, Staffing and Stock UPDATED!!

The library currently (November 2007) has a membership of 4018. The following institutes use the library: 3nursery schools, 34 primary schools, 57 Secondary Schools, 15 colleges/universities. It is also being used by 12 different communities, from Kayole to BuruBuru.

Currently none of the staff receives any pay.

Stock- 4174 volumes

Challenges (Sept. 2007)

-Better signposting throughout the community to promote the library

-Posters throughout the community advertising the library.

-Current non fiction stock - children's and adult's are needed. Particularly books on Economics.

-We have collection of African materials in English and some in Kiswahili. Also some in French as there is a small population of Congolese and Rwandese in the area, who are French speaking.

- Chairs. these are still needed - up to 50-. Currently chair are being borrowed from the church next door!

- Staff payments. Paul is still working unpaid.We really need a donor to pay him - even for his lunch and transport costs.




stima eco!!!

-This now enables us to run adult computer classes at the library!

-Visiting classes regularly come to the the library from the community centre and from the rest of the Kayole Community. We are trying to get schools outside the community centre to come to the library.

Kenya Breast Health Programme gave a talk to community membrs in September. 60 people attended- both men and women!

Drama NEW!!

Zero and the Tell -Tale drama group have been coming to the library for several months to perform and teach drama at the library.(see our partner page for more information on Tell Tale)



-Daily Newspapers. The Nation Group is now donating daily papers to the library both in Kiswahili and in English

Last revision: Oct, 2005